Terms of Use
Welcome to estore.airtech-amg.co.uk, the Airtech Advanced Materials Company's store website. These terms of use ("Site Terms") impose conditions on your access to this Site, and any use you make of it, so please read them carefully.
The Airtech Advanced Materials Group Web Site accessible at estore.airtech-amg.co.uk, estore.airtech.lu, estore.airtechintl.com, www.airtechintl.com, www.airtechonline.com, www.airtech.info, www.airtech.biz, www.airtechasia.com, www.airtechcomposites.com, www.airtechdirect.com, www.airtechintl.biz, www.airtechintl.info, www.airtechonline.biz, www.airtechonline.info, www.airtechfyi.com, www.baggingfilm.com, www.compositetooling.com, www.releasefilm.com, www.sealanttape.com, www.toolfusion.com, www.airtechpcb.com, www.airtechwind.com, www.airtechwindpower.com, www.leancleanroom.com, www.pcbfilm.com, www.peelply.com, www.reducetouchlabor.com, www.resininfusion.com, www.airtechsolarfilm.com, www.airtechsolarfilms.com, www.airtechsolarproduct.com, www.airtechsolarproducts.com, www.airtechsolartechnology.com, www.airtechsolartechnologies.com, www.airtech-solar.com, www.sol-airtech.com, www.airtechsolarenergy.com, www.airtechasia.cn, www.airtechintl.cn, www.baggingfilm.cn, www.compositetooling.cn, www.sealanttape.cn, www.vacuumbagging.cn, www.airtechpcb.cn, www.airtechwind.cn, www.baggingfilm.cn, www.leancleanroom.cn, www.reducetouchlabor.cn, www.airtech.asia, www.airtechasia.asia, www.airtechcomposites.asia, www.airtechintl.asia, www.airtechonline.asia, www.bagginfilm.asia, www.compositetooling.asia, www.releasefilm.asia, www.sealanttape.asia, www.vacuumbagging.asia, www.airtechpcb.asia, www.airtechwind.asia, www.leancleanroom.asia, www.pcbfilm.asia, www.peelpl.asia, www.reducetouchlabor.asia, www.resininfusion.asia, www.airtechpcb.cn, www.airtech.lu, www.airtecheurope.com, www.airtech-europe.eu, www.airtecheurope.eu, www.advanced-composites.eu, www.peel-ply.eu, www.peelply.eu, www.release-film.eu, www.releasefilm.eu, www.resin-infusion.eu, www.vacuum-bagging.eu, www.vacuumbagging.eu, www.airtech-amg.co.uk, www.airtech-amg.co.uk, www.baggingfilm.co.uk, www.sealanttape.co.uk, www.releasefilm.co.uk, www.peelply.co.uk, www.resininfusion.co.uk, www.reducetouchlabour.co.uk, and www.leancleanroom.co.uk are published by Airtech International with registered office in Huntington Beach, California USA.
- Publishing Director: Airtech Advanced Materials UK Ltd
- Hosting company: ovh.com
- To contact us, please send an e-mail at the following address: airtech@airtech-amg.co.uk
Airtech Advanced Materials UK Ltd reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Site Terms or any policy or guideline of the Site, at any time and in its sole discretion. Any changes or modifications will be effective upon posting of the revisions and notice of such changes to the Site. Your continued use of this Site following the posting of its changes or modifications will constitute your acceptance of such changes or modifications. Therefore, you should frequently review the Site Terms and applicable policies from time-to-time to understand the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Site.
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These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, applicable to agreements made and entirely to be performed within California, without resort to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes that arise will be decided only by the State of California courts.
Collecting and using information about you
Airtech Advanced Materials UK Ltd is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizing your need for appropriate protection and management of personal information you share with us (the phrase "personal information" means any information by which you can be identified, such as your name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, etc.).
Whether or not to provide such information is completely your own choice. But if you choose not to provide the information we request, you may be unable to purchase products, or access certain services, offers and content on our web site. In addition, we may need to contact you via phone, email or mail to address questions or issues specific to your order, entry, etc., even if you have opted to not receive communications from us.
We use the personal information you provide for internal purposes, such as confirming your order, subscription or registration, analyzing trends and statistics, informing you of our new products, services and offers, and providing you with information from and about Airtech Advanced Materials UK Ltd.
Although unlikely, in certain instances we may disclose your personal information when we have reason to believe that it is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against persons or entities who may be causing injury to you, to Airtech Advanced Materials UK Ltd or to others. We may also disclose your personal information when we believe the law requires it.
In accordance with the law, you have the right to be informed, to have access or/and to require modifications of your personal information recorded in our database. Such requests may be sent at the email address: airtech@airtech-amg.co.uk